Have never been able to understand the adrenalin rush whenever I am visiting Gujarat....
Till yesterday, I was "normal" and of course, the vacation was in my mind... but still it was not the way it is right now.... !!! May be it is my urge to visit Ahmedabad, Rajkot & Junagadh... May be its my lazy nature that stops me getting prepared for any tours.
Well anyways, I am leaving tomorrow by the Secunderabad-Rajkot express... and would reach Ahmedabad on Sunday... !!! Will meet Subbu, Akshat and Tejas. Usually it is the same fun-at-rworld, food-from-simran-farm, daroo-party-at-room, old-songs-by-akshat-subbu-n-rest, n finally mornning-tea-at-rituraj routine....!!! but man o man.... only I can tell ... how much fun is that.... !!!
On Monday... me and Tejas will leave for Rajkot.... will stay there for 4 days and then probably will go to Junagadh... it has been more than a year since I visited Junagadh.... !!!
So many things to be done... and so little time...
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